Installing it now! I wish to form �The Holy Roman Empire� in Hearts of Iron IV, it says on the wiki that it can be done, but how and how hard is � Throughout its history, the Holy Roman Empire weathered many struggles, from its loss of power in Italy to the Great Peasants' War. Hearts of Darkness: The Victorian Era Created by vivid2011 ~~~ New devblog as � hello my mod makes ottoman empire in tact again. Name Event ID Anschluss: germany.4: Anti-Comintern Pact: germany.5: The Tripartite Pact: � It's mostly a semantics thing, but you could easily argue that it was already the Holy Roman Empire � Darrigan Colonel. Even the new animations and models are designed with Paradox's standards in mind. You must also control Luxembourg as well as all states belonging to the Austrians, Belgians, Czech, Dutch, French, and Italians. Italy (Italia) starts with modern-day Italy, Libya, Eritrea and Somalia, but with the Fascist leadership under Mussolini, they are out to restore the old Roman Empire as an Italian Empire. Assuming you manage to pull off the impossible and reform the empire, you'd be granted with war-goals or even referendums that could be presented to countries like Romania and then finally reclaim our lost territory in the black sea.